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"...since we established a "Dealer locator" on our website we increased the "Sales per Visitor" conversion rate by 40%. Thanks to your support staff for the extensive help...""...We created a new real estate portal for New Zealand, and we are happy to have found your postcode radius scripts. We used the ASP.NET script, the incorporation into our site took us only a minute, and now our users can find their future homes in their preferred area, We were also able to display the found homes in the cool radius map with markers. Our website looks so smart now:-) Thanks a lot!..." Brett Stanton, Auckland, New Zealand
"...With your great postcode database, we didn't need to search longer. Exactly what we needed. The free update service is unprecedented. And the bonus suburb data table was a nice extra. We can only recommend your offer to all web professionals in need of a NZ postcode database..." Lisa Moreland, Christchurch, New Zealand
"...A huge thumbs-up for your great database, as it has enabled us to incorporate a smart friend finder search tool on our NZ community. We were being praised by many users of our community and we would like to thank you for providing such a professional and inexpensive tool..." Matt Jenkings, Wellington, New Zealand
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Postcode Database New Zealand

Product Details

Postcode Database New Zealand
Postcodes + Suburbs Database New Zealand

Single LicenseSingle License agreement

Buy now...   129 AU$ Includes free lifetime updates!

Enterprise LicenseEnterprise License agreement

Buy now...   259 AU$ Includes free lifetime updates!

Redistribution License  Redistribution License

Buy now...   995 AU$ Includes free lifetime updates!

Details (Data of: July 2024)

The New Zealand postcode database includes all New Zealand Postcodes plus location and region plus latitude/longitude and also all locations (long/lat) of all New Zealand Suburbs / Districts / Regions.

Database content

  Regions Level 116
  Regions Level 267
  Unique Postcodes1304
  Geocoded locations100 %
  Number of records        72149

Available formats:

  CSV Format  Comma Separated Values (CSV) ~800 KB ZIP-compressed
  MySQL Format  MySQL dump (SQL) ~800 KB ZIP-compressed
  SQL Server Format  MS SQL Server dump (SQL) ~800 KB ZIP-compressed
  Oracle Format  Oracle dump (SQL) ~800 KB ZIP-compressed
  Postgre Format  Postgre SQL Dump (SQL) ~800 KB ZIP-compressed
  Sybase Format  Sybase SQL Dump (SQL) ~800 KB ZIP-compressed
  Excel Format  Miscroft Excel (XLS) ~1.5 MB ZIP-compressed
  Access Format  Microsoft Access (MDB) ~1.5 MB ZIP-compressed

Easy to import into all major Database Systems.

Datatable structure

Postcodes (Streetlevel)
  latitudedecimal(13, 9)
  longitudedecimal(13, 9)

Postcode Districts (Center point of each postcode district)
  latitudedecimal(13, 9)
  longitudedecimal(13, 9)


Having a database of localities with their latitudes and longitudes enables you to locate the closest cities to a set point (or within a radius of X).

To help you to implement a postcode radius / distance search we offer free access to example codes in many scripting languages and programming languages like ASP, PHP, Coldfusion...

To achieve the highest accuracy the formulas in our example scripts take the earth's curvature into consideration.

Test the capabilities of our scripts with your own postcode:

Postcode Radius Unit Country

More information about the programming...


Internet Download

Sample Data

There are 2 datafiles in the package. The 1st shows the complete coverage of all postcodes on a street level and the 2nd file the unique postcode district location.

Sample list of postcode locations on street level in New Zealand

Sample records‎

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